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Customer journey gifting: stronger relationships at every stage of the customer journey

Every customer journey includes moments that really matter. Oppor­tu­ni­ties to show that you value, understand and want to impress your customer. How do you get the most out of these moments? Discover how strategic gifts lead to stronger customer rela­tion­ships.
Over the last few months, more than 1,000 companies
have made a real impact.

The customer journey and gift occasions: every stage counts

Every stage of the customer journey offers oppor­tu­ni­ties for gifting with impact. Whether it’s the first time you’re meeting a prospect or you’re rebuilding trust after a mistake, every stage counts.

Here are the most important stages for you to focus on:

1. Start of the journey: Prospect gifting

Make a lasting impression from the very first inter­ac­tion. Per­son­alised gifts at this stage help you open doors, stand out and gain trust.

- Before a sales call:
Send a per­son­alised gift as an icebreaker.
Welcome gift: Give new prospects a reason to get excited about your brand.
- After a deal or event:
Show how much you value the new part­ner­ship.

Why it works: Gifts at this stage cut through the noise, strengthen your brand perception and make you more memorable.

2. Loyalty and trust: Develop relationships and stay top of mind

Continue to invest in your customer rela­tion­ships even after your first inter­ac­tion. By con­sis­tent­ly showing that they’re on your radar, you build trust and ensure a loyalty that lasts.

Birthdays or milestones: Con­grat­u­late your customers with a per­son­alised gift.
 Anniver­saries: Celebrate long-term part­ner­ships with a nice gesture.
Thank you: Show your appre­ci­a­tion when you get a positive rec­om­men­da­tion.

Why it works: These gifts build an emotional connection and strengthen the rela­tion­ship between the customer and your brand.

3. Problem solving: Time to apologise

As humans, we all make mistakes. It’s how you resolve them that impacts how customers continue to view you. Gifts help you restore trust and future-proof the rela­tion­ship.

After a complaint: A thoughtful gesture shows that you take mistakes seriously.
As an olive branch: Demon­strate that you take respon­si­bil­i­ty.

Why it works: A gesture can turn negative emotions into positive memories.

4. Customer delight: Nice surprises

It’s all about the element of surprise. A gift when the customer least expects it helps create unfor­get­table moments.

Christmas or end-of-year: Transform tra­di­tion­al occasions into moments of delight by making them surprising, creative or personal.
 Unexpected gifts: Simply to let the customer know you’re thinking about them.
After a positive review: Thank customers for their valuable feedback.

Why it works: Unexpected gifts increase customer sat­is­fac­tion and create a positive impression of your brand.

Inspiration for your customer journey gifting:

NEUHAUS Collection

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Personalised Gin & Tonic Set

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Rituals Jing Giftset

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Euphoria | Mixed spray bouquet with diffuser

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Relaxation package | You are solid Gold Deluxe

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BBQ & Kitchen Apron Gift Box

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Give it a Shot | Fresh juice mix

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Birthday box | Vegan & Halal

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Bouquet | Mega Special with Champagne Hat Box

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Bib with Name

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You Are Wonderful | Deluxe Hand & Body Care Gift Set

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Mini Feliz 0% Sparkling Apéro Set

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Souvenirs box

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Personalised serving board with snacks

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Decanter Gift Set with Engraving

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Coffee package large

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Bols Cocktails Apéro Box

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Bullet Notebook | Upcycled & Conscious

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Vase Atoria with Engraving

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Scented Candle | a little light to let you know I’m thinking of you

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Breakfast box

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Tree | Bee Happy!

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Block of Happiness Aroma Blocks | Letterbox package

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Package Good to Go | Personalised lunch pot

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€ 12

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Why Kadonation? Turn every moment into a memory

Kadonation makes gifting with impact easy during those moments that matter. Whether you want to surprise customers on an important milestone, foster rela­tion­ships or rebuild trust, we have the solution to meet your needs. Including handy automa­tions (so you don’t forget about anyone), surprising per­son­al­i­sa­tion options, budget and occasion management, a custom range of gifts, and much more.

Our user-friendly gift platform supports you at every stage of the customer journey.

Get in touch to discover how we can help you build an unforgettable brand.