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Gift inspi­ra­tion
HR & culture

Practise what you preach: Kadonation’s own gift policy

At Kadonation, we’ve been making sure heart­warm­ing gifts reach the right person for more than seven years. That’s why we’re confident that we have a good idea of​which occasions it is essential for an organ­i­sa­tion to give something back’.
By Silke
Aug 07, 2024
HR & culture

Fiscally beneficial business gifts in 2024 (for Belgium)

Your checklist for fiscally beneficial business gifts in 2024 (Belgium).
By Mathilde Van Vaerenbergh
Mar 19, 2024
HR & culture

A fiscally and socially beneficial employee gift in 2024 (for Belgium)

Employee gifts also offer an ideal oppor­tu­ni­ty to optimise your employees’ salaries. This blog gives you a clear overview of the options and outlines the legal conditions for each one.
By Mathilde Van Vaerenbergh
Mar 18, 2024
HR & culture

Guide to the work-related costs scheme in 2024 (for the Netherlands)

Your checklist for fiscally beneficial staff gifts.
By Mathilde Van Vaerenbergh
Feb 28, 2024
HR & culture

Fiscally beneficial business gifts in 2024 (for the Netherlands)

Your checklist for fiscally beneficial business gifts in 2024 (The Nether­lands).
By Mathilde Van Vaerenbergh
Feb 28, 2024
Gift inspi­ra­tion
HR & culture

Welcome to the team! Digital guide with checklist

The checklist for optimising your onboarding process. A smooth start: what’s the best way to onboard a new employee? Make sure to include every step and you’re sure to make a great first impression.
By Mathilde Van Vaerenbergh
Feb 21, 2024
HR & culture

HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Appreciate your employees on their birthday.

Organ­i­sa­tions are currently facing many new challenges. The workplace is more diverse than ever, with different gen­er­a­tions each with their own needs and pref­er­ences. Many companies are more than ever putting workplace happiness, , appre­ci­a­tion and recog­ni­tion of employees high on the priority list. People who feel appre­ci­at­ed become happier.
By Mathilde Van Vaerenbergh
Feb 12, 2024
HR & culture

Use this survey to measure the effectiveness of your recognition initiatives

Cultivate engagement and loyalty with thoughtful recog­ni­tion ini­tia­tives. This survey is the starting point for a more sus­tain­able work envi­ron­ment.
By Isabel
Jan 18, 2024
Gift inspi­ra­tion

The perfect end-of-year employee gift in 5 steps

We’re happy to help you look for the ideal end-of-year employee gift.
By Isabel
Aug 28, 2023
Gift inspi­ra­tion

How much should you spend on end-of-year, birthday, farewell, wedding… gifts for employees?

This guide lists the different budgets per employee gift. For everything from a newborn to end of year, Kadonation helps you give the best gifts!
By Isabel
Jan 05, 2023
HR & culture

Onboarding: what is it and how to get started? An overview.

Kadonation helps you optimise your onboarding. Improve your process and with it your employee job sat­is­fac­tion.
By Silke
Sep 05, 2022
HR & culture

Offboarding: what is it, and why is it just as important as onboarding?

Kadonation gives you tips for a good off­board­ing process. About the right kind of exit strategy and leaving the door open to boomerang employees.
By Isabel
Sep 05, 2022
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