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Gifting policy

Recognising moments that matter in a gifting policy: How to make a real impact.

By Mathilde Van Vaerenbergh
09 Dec 2024

A well-considered gifting policy goes beyond just a random collection of presents or tra­di­tion­al end-of-year gifts. For you as an HR pro­fes­sion­al, it’s all about strength­en­ing the bond between employer and employee by showing at the right moments: you matter to us.

But how do you, as an HR manager, decide which moments make a real impact? In this blog post, we provide you with some ways to recognise the moments that matter and to get the most out of them.

First things first: Why is this so important.

Employees that feel valued are more productive and have a greater sense of connection to their organ­i­sa­tion. A gifting policy that recognises the moments that matter, not only strength­ens this connection but also helps attract and retain talent. In fact, a well-considered gifting policy can lead to increased loyalty, greater employee sat­is­fac­tion and a stronger company culture.

Did you know that:

  • 33% of employees never feel appre­ci­at­ed for the work they do (KU Leuven).
  • 76% of mil­len­ni­als consider leaving if they feel under­ap­pre­ci­at­ed (Forbes).
  • 25% pro­duc­tiv­i­ty increase is reported for employees who receive just one small token of appre­ci­a­tion (Harvard Business Review).

By showing your appre­ci­a­tion at the right time and in the right way, you not only improve employee sat­is­fac­tion, but as an HR manager, you also help create a stronger company culture and employer branding.

The power of moments that matter.

Not all moments are equal. Of course, birthdays and work anniver­saries are important, but the power of a gifting policy lies precisely in the element of surprise. As an HR manager, you can make a real difference by combining calendar milestones with spon­ta­neous ini­tia­tives. Trans­form­ing moments that employees expect into moments of delight – by making them personal or surprising – is the way to take your gifting policy to the next level.

It’s not just about when to give a gift but also about how it comes across: think about it from the per­spec­tive of your employees rather than the organ­i­sa­tion. Ask yourself: What would my employees appreciate?’ Which moments matter to them the most?’. By choosing this approach, you not only increase their happiness but also strengthen the engagement and recog­ni­tion within your team.

Gift inspiration for moments that matter.

Birthday box | Vegan & Halal

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Gift package | Wedding tree

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Sustainable work package

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UIT ASSORTIMENT Candy box | Gelukkige verjaardag’ (=Happy birthday)

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Personalised Gin

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Bouquet | Mia

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Get well soon | Movie box

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Personalised serving board with snacks

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Bib with Name

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Big hug | Big Candle

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Complicookies | Office Sharing Box

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Tea gift box | Beterschap”

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Relaxation package | You are solid Gold

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Onboarding Pack | Starter

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Fruit basket Pick-me-up’

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UIT ASSORTIMENT / CONFIG IS ANDERS Mailbox Brownies: Originals

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Cocktail tasting | 5 cocktails

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€ 12

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Ways to recognise and highlight the moments that matter.

1. Start from the employee journey. This gives you, as an HR pro­fes­sion­al, plenty of key moments where you can make an impact:

  • Find me: Reward an employee for referring new talent to the organ­i­sa­tion.
  • Hire me: Send a gift like an apéritif package when a new employee signs their contract. Surprising even the candidates who just missed out with a gift leaves them with a positive impression that will last.
  • Introduce me: Invite a new member along to an informal team outing so they can get to know the group in a relaxed envi­ron­ment.
  • Onboarding: A welcome gift with branded items such as a notebook, mug or pen makes a great first impression. Or a jar of sweets to help break the ice on that first (somewhat stressful) day.
  • Develop me: Offer (internal) training and motivate employees to sign up as a way of encour­ag­ing personal growth.
  • Support me: Give a small token of appre­ci­a­tion when someone goes the extra mile or suc­cess­ful­ly wraps up a chal­leng­ing project.
  • Off­board­ing: Bid colleagues a surprise farewell with a per­son­alised gift as a token of your gratitude. This helps build on your rela­tion­ship for the future.
  • Remember me: Strengthen your alumni network by sending birthday cards or event invi­ta­tions.

2. There are also plenty of options that go beyond the typical moments. For example, have you ever thought of giving a gift to someone returning from a long period off sick, or a back to work’ gift after the summer?

3. Focus on personal milestones too. Work and private life are inex­tri­ca­bly linked. Cel­e­brat­ing a newborn, marriage or birthday shows you value your employees as people.

4. Be there when times are hard. A death of a loved-one or long-term illness can have a big impact on your employees. Show them you care by giving them a card with a personal message, a thoughtful gesture, or simply by being a good listener. This gives them the space to focus on what is really important at that moment, without having to worry about anything else.

5. Listen to your employees. A good gifting policy starts with listening. Which moments do they find important? By having an open con­ver­sa­tion, you learn what really matters and can bring your policy in line with this. Be open to feedback, too, and adjust your moments or gifts where necessary.

6The power is often in the element of surprise. An unexpected gesture – simply because someone does a con­sis­tent­ly great job – can have just as much impact as a big cel­e­bra­tion.

7Focus on atypical and inclusive holidays. Use less tra­di­tion­al moments, such as Inter­na­tion­al Accounting Day for financial teams, or Halloween for a themed gift. These kinds of moments add a playful and original touch to your policy. Don’t forget inclusive holidays such as Eid-al-Fitr to make sure everyone in your team feels valued.

Choosing the right moment.

The timing of a gift is crucial. A gift that comes weeks too late won’t have the same impact. By investing in a cen­tralised and/​or decen­tralised gifting policy, you ensure you show your appre­ci­a­tion on time and in the right way.

With a smart gift platform, like Kadonation Select, you can automate and organise this process so that gifts always arrive in good time and in the right way. This allows you to keep control over budgets, frequency and timing, while recog­nis­ing the moments that matter to employees.

White paper

Your practical guide to an impactful gifting policy.

Feel you could get more out of your gifting policy by maximising the power of appre­ci­a­tion in your organ­i­sa­tion? Then download our practical whitepaper below. It’s full of surprising insights, inspiring examples and concrete sug­ges­tions for your strategy around appre­ci­a­tion.
Download our gifting policy whitepaper