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Gifting policy

The secret of reciprocity: how giving leads to greater engagement.

By Isabel
18 Mar 2025

Appre­ci­a­tion works. Even a simple gesture can motivate employees to go the extra mile. The secret? Reci­procity. When people receive something, they instinc­tive­ly feel inclined to give something back. This psy­cho­log­i­cal principle is deeply rooted in how we interact with each other – and it’s something companies can make smart use of.

A small gift, sincere compliment or simple thank you’ can make the world of difference. The effect?​Increased loyalty, more motivation and better per­for­mance. In this blog, you’ll discover how reci­procity works and how you as an employer or HR pro­fes­sion­al can apply this principle strate­gi­cal­ly.

What is reciprocity?

Reci­procity simply means that when you receive something, you want to give something in return. This is not a new trend, but a deeply rooted social mechanism that encourages col­lab­o­ra­tion and strength­ens rela­tion­ships.

In a business context, this means that employees aremore committed to an employer who values​them. If you show that you value your employees, you’ll receive engagement and loyalty in return. It’s not about the value of the gesture, but about the sincerity behind it. This strength­ens trust and connection within teams, so that employees not only feel valued, but also become more motivated and proactive. A culture of appre­ci­a­tion creates stronger rela­tion­ships and a more stable, engaged work envi­ron­ment.

From small gestures to big impact.

Examples of reci­procity in action:

  • Daily life: A friend buys you coffee, so you feel the urge to pay next time.
  • At work: A manager gives the team a sincere compliment, which makes employees go the extra mile.
  • Business context: A customer receives an unexpected gift, making them feel more connected and loyal to the brand.
  • Social inter­ac­tions: You’re invited to dinner and want to return the favour.

Reci­procity is everywhere – and it works. In a business envi­ron­ment, a small gesture can have a big impact on motivation and per­for­mance.

Gift inspiration

Discover a selection of gifts that reinforce appreciation and encourage reciprocity.

Kadonation Gift Card

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Complicookies | Office Sharing Box

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You Are Wonderful | Deluxe Hand & Body Care Gift Set

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You shine like gold | pack of tea

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Candy box | Personalised Sticker

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Relaxation package | You are solid Gold Deluxe

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You are tea-riffic | Letterbox package

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Scented Candle | a little light to let you know I’m thinking of you

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Healthy Gift Box | Fresh juice mix

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Bouquet | Mega Special with Champagne Hat Box

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I olive you | Olive oil box

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Get well soon | Movie box

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Mug :‘Mint to be’ + personalised tag

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Relaxation Package | You are beauTEAful

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Marshmallow Cloud Box | Minigift

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Letterbox Brownies | Flavours of your choice

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Personalised serving board with snacks

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Gimber 0% & Tonic Essentials Set

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On the go | Filled coffee mug

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Gift box | Champagne & Belgian chocolate

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Chocolate Dream Box | Minigift

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Marie-Stella-Maris Body Essentials

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Jute Shopping Bag

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€ 12

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Why reciprocity works for employees.

1. Loyalty and connection

Appre­ci­a­tion fuels trust. Employees who feel seen stay longer and put in more effort. Research (Smith, Johnson & Lee, 2023) shows that reci­procity has a direct impact on per­for­mance and engagement. A well-chosen gift creates a positive dynamic. Those who feel recognised are more likely to go the extra mile.

But not every gesture has the same effect. The power of appre­ci­a­tion depends on the rela­tion­ship and context. Long-term, stable working rela­tion­ships strengthen this effect. And social con­nec­tions? They play a key role too. Employees who feel connected to their colleagues and managers are not only more productive, but also remain loyal for longer. A culture built on appre­ci­a­tion ensures more col­lab­o­ra­tion, less employee turnover and a positive working atmosphere.

2. Increased motivation and per­for­mance

Reci­procity is a powerful motivator. Employees who feel valued want to give something back. They go the extra mile, take more initiative and show more ownership. This leads to a culture where employees not only perform their tasks, but also contribute to improve­ments and inno­va­tions. Appre­ci­a­tion creates a work envi­ron­ment where motivation and per­for­mance go hand in hand.

How to apply reciprocity in your organisation?

1. Celebrate milestones

A work anniver­sary, successful completion of a project or reaching a goal – these moments all deserve attention. A personal gift or sincere token of appre­ci­a­tion not only makes a difference for the employee, but also strength­ens the employer – employee bond.

2. Structure your appre­ci­a­tion

Small gestures have a big impact. A hand­writ­ten card, sincere thank you’ or a gift when they least expect it shows that dedication and commitment do not go unnoticed.

3. Show spon­ta­neous recog­ni­tion

Appre­ci­a­tion doesn’t always have to be planned. It’s the unexpected gifts that make the difference. Whether it’s a compliment after a busy period or a token of appre­ci­a­tion to thank someone for their hard work, it’s important that employees feel like they matter.

4. Per­son­alise your gift

Appre­ci­a­tion only feels genuine when it’s personal. Adding your company logo or colours is just the tip of the iceberg. Tailor your gift to the recipient: no wine for someone who doesn’t drink; no chocolate for someone on a diet. Choose the right moment too. For example, an Easter gift isn’t appro­pri­ate for someone cel­e­brat­ing Eid al-Fitr. A customised gift shows that you really care about your employees.

Use Kadonation Select

With Kadonation Select, you’re not just giving your employees a gift. You’re giving them the feeling that they’re appre­ci­at­ed. Whether it’s a small token or more recog­ni­tion for a bigger achieve­ment, we help you make appre­ci­a­tion tangible.

Reci­procity starts small, but the impact is great. Do you want appre­ci­a­tion in your organ­i­sa­tion to be integral, effortless and successful? Kadonation will help you on your way. Let’s build a strong culture of recog­ni­tion and motivation. We’re ready to discuss fresh ideas over a cup of coffee.

I would like to schedule a meeting.

White paper

Your practical guide to an impactful gifting policy.

Feel you could get more out of your gifting policy by maximising the power of appre­ci­a­tion in your organ­i­sa­tion? Then download our practical whitepaper below. It’s full of surprising insights, inspiring examples and concrete sug­ges­tions for your strategy around appre­ci­a­tion.
Download our gifting policy whitepaper