Stories, insights & thoughts

The latest updates by Kadonation.


HR & culture

Use this survey to measure the effectiveness of your recognition initiatives

Cultivate engagement and loyalty with thoughtful recog­ni­tion ini­tia­tives. This survey is the starting point for a more sus­tain­able work envi­ron­ment.
By Isabel
Jan 18, 2024
Gift inspi­ra­tion

The perfect end-of-year employee gift in 5 steps

We’re happy to help you look for the ideal end-of-year employee gift.
By Isabel
Aug 28, 2023
Gift inspi­ra­tion

How much should you spend on end-of-year, birthday, farewell, wedding… gifts for employees?

This guide lists the different budgets per employee gift. For everything from a newborn to end of year, Kadonation helps you give the best gifts!
By Isabel
Jan 05, 2023
HR & culture

Offboarding: what is it, and why is it just as important as onboarding?

Kadonation gives you tips for a good off­board­ing process. About the right kind of exit strategy and leaving the door open to boomerang employees.
By Isabel
Sep 05, 2022
HR & culture

The drivers of happiness at work

Which factors are crucial for your employees’ happiness at work? Find out everything you need to know in this blog post.
By Isabel
Sep 05, 2022

How do you make employee gifts tax deductible in Belgium?

Staff gifts are tax deductible and a great way to show your appre­ci­a­tion for your staff. Kadonation wrote a free white paper about it.
By Isabel
Sep 02, 2022
Gift inspi­ra­tion
HR & culture

Your colleague is retiring! What should you do?

What should you do when a colleague retires? What’s the best kind of send-off? Our handy checklist has all the tips you need.
By Isabel
Aug 19, 2022
Gift inspi­ra­tion

A little extra in your pay cheque or a perfect gift? What would you choose?

A physical Christmas gift from your employer or a little extra in your next pay cheque?
By Isabel
Jul 28, 2022
Gift inspi­ra­tion

Employee gifts for all occasions!

Make your employees feel extra special on those important occasions in life like birthdays, weddings and anniver­saries with the perfect employee gifts from Kadonation!
By Isabel
Jul 28, 2022
Gift inspi­ra­tion
HR & culture

Birthdays: about their history, traditions and birthday gifts

Learn all about the traditions and history behind birthdays.
By Isabel
Jul 28, 2022
HR & culture

How happy are your staff with their employee gift?

Ask your staff about the employee gifts they receive and find out how satisfied they are with them.
By Isabel
Jul 28, 2022
Gift inspi­ra­tion
HR & culture

Increase your employees’ happiness at work with Kadonation Select

Increase your team’s happiness at work with a personal gift on those occasions that really matter!
By Isabel
Jul 28, 2022
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