Inspirational content

Interested in employee happiness and recog­ni­tion? You can find our tips & tricks among our down­load­ables below. Have fun!
White paper

Survey: employees gifts

What is the ideal occasion to recognize your employees and with which gift? We surveyed 2,000 employees.
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White paper

Fiscally favorable corporate gifts (Belgium)

Looking for ways to reward your staff or business rela­tion­ships? This whitepaper tells you all the ins and outs for tax-friendly corporate gifts in 2023.
Download the whitepaper
White paper

The work-related costs scheme and fiscally favorable gifts in 2023. (The Netherlands)

Looking for ways to reward your staff or business rela­tion­ships? This whitepaper tells you all the ins and outs for tax-friendly corporate gifts in 2023.
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Would you like to per­son­alise the Kadonation Gift Card to match your company’s branding? You can!
Discover the options