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Gift inspi­ra­tion
Gifting policy

Maximise impact with personalisation: how to make it fast and scalable.

By Pieter-Jan
08 Jan 2025

A gift is so much more than a token of appre­ci­a­tion. It’s a powerful way to show how much you value someone, to strengthen bonds with employees and partners, and to boost your company culture. In short, see a gift as the ultimate way to get your personal message across.

If you really want to stand out and make an impact with your company or customer gifts, one thing is absolutely essential… per­son­al­i­sa­tion!

The power of personalisation

A per­son­alised gifting policy shows that you care about the unique pref­er­ences and needs of your employees and customers. It demon­strates commitment and respect, which leads to increased motivation and a more positive working rela­tion­ship.

Per­son­alised gifts also have a high ROI: employees feel more appre­ci­at­ed, which leads to increased loyalty and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. Customers will stick with your company longer, while prospects are suddenly happy to schedule a meeting with you.

7 tried and tested tips for success with personalisation

1. Know your employees and customers

Informal con­ver­sa­tions in the office or at the start and end of a meeting provide you with a wealth of infor­ma­tion. For example, you might talk about when they’re moving house, their hobbies, a personal milestone or their children’s birthdays.

By recording key details in your CRM or HR software, you can make a personal message or gift selection even more relevant.

Add a personal message

A gift is the perfect moment to show your appre­ci­a­tion. You can do this by adding a personal message to your gift. How about a greetings card, video message or hand­writ­ten note? Simple, yet incredibly effective.

An example from our Kadonation team.

In October, one of our gifting policy experts gave a client workshop. During the session, he must have mentioned that both his daughters have their birthdays on Halloween. At the end of the month, he received a package through his letter box with some lovely gifts for both children and a hand­writ­ten card to thank him for the inspi­ra­tional workshop. Unfor­get­table, right?

3. Take personal pref­er­ences into account

From dietary require­ments, allergies and religious beliefs to personal interests and hobbies. The right gift for one person isn’t nec­es­sar­i­ly the same for everyone. Give employees the chance to pass on their pref­er­ences, for example with a wish list or internal feedback system. This avoids the infamous gift gap’ where the giver and receiver have a different perception of the gift.

4. Involve your team members

Ask colleagues for input or sug­ges­tions for an even more personal gift. Consider gifts that bring back happy memories or reflect the recipient’s own employee experience. Team members will no doubt also love adding a personal message to the gift.

Per­son­alise the packaging

Pre­sen­ta­tion is key! With ribbons, stickers and a per­son­alised label with the recipient’s name on the packaging, you’ll put a big smile on their face even before they get to the gift. Choose colours and a tone of voice that fit with your organ­i­sa­tion, without the gift losing its personal touch.

Choose local, sus­tain­able gifts

Supporting local entre­pre­neurs while choosing envi­ron­men­tal­ly friendly or reusable gifts? That’s how you kill three birds with one stone. Not only are you helping local traders and the planet, but you’re also giving a personal and unique touch to your gift.

Use a flexible gift platform

Per­son­alised gifts with impact can also be scalable. So choose software like Kadonation Select that allows you to quickly and easily shape your organisation’s gifting policy.

Personalise gifts with Kadonation Select

With Kadonation Select we’ve developed the ultimate gift platform that allows you to quickly and easily bring your gifting policy to life. Choose from over 1,000 unique physical gifts or opt for a versatile gift card. Did you know that the platform is also full of inter­est­ing per­son­al­i­sa­tion options? Here are the most important ones!

1. Create impact with personal messages

We already touched on it: a thoughtful message brings so much added value to a gift. In Kadonation Select you can not only easily add a personal message yourself, but also invite colleagues to do the same. This means everyone can write their own text, making it a complete surprise for the recipient.

But that’s not all. At the click of a button, the recipient can also send a sincere thank you’ message back to the sender of the gift.

2. Make your messages even more personal thanks to AI

Writer’s block. It can happen to anyone. You’re staring at a blank sheet of paper but can’t seem to find the right words to express how you feel. In Kadonation Select you’ll find a handy AI feature that makes a few sug­ges­tions based on the chosen occasion and the tone of your message. Quickly tweak a few things and in no time you’ll have a wonderful message that is sure to leave the recipient lost for words.

3. Per­son­alise gift cards with your company logo and branding

Leave a lasting impression with a per­son­alised Kadonation Gift Card, redeemable at over 100 partners and valid for 3 years. Put the finishing touches on the gift by per­son­al­is­ing the gift card, fully in line with your company branding. Choose a custom designed sleeve for the physical version or per­son­alise the entire online process, from receipt to validation.

4. The simple way to per­son­alise gifts

Aim for that wow moment. From an edible logo on your company birthday cake and your own message on a bottle to the name of a newborn embroi­dered on the cute rucksack you handpicked for a valued customer, per­son­al­i­sa­tion with Select is child’s play!

5. Turn packaging into a statement

Designing your gift packaging completely in the style and tone of voice of your organ­i­sa­tion is so much fun! Whether you opt for a per­son­alised label or cleverly designed packaging, with a hint of humour and some compelling copy, you’ll create a first impression that no colleague or customer will ever forget.

Excited to get started?

It’s easy to see why! And because we firmly believe in the power of gift giving with impact, we’ve made Kadonation Select accessible to you, too. Create your profile now and order your first gifts today.

Try Kadonation Select for free

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Gift inspi­ra­tion
Gifting policy