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Gift inspi­ra­tion
HR & culture

Your colleague is retiring! What should you do?

By Isabel
19 Aug 2022

Retirement is a special occasion

In 2016, soci­ol­o­gist Levi van den Bogaard from the University of Amsterdam carried out research into how retirement affects civic par­tic­i­pa­tion and well-being. In general, retirement appears to have a beneficial effect on the way we grow old. Another conclusion from his research is that a send-off ritual during the transition from work to retirement has a positive impact on life sat­is­fac­tion*.

This is because a conscious send-off recognises the role that someone has played for years and is now stopping. It’s like any kind of ritual that offers closure for something that is coming to an end and helps you deal with the uncer­tain­ty of the new phase.

The biggest takeaway for us: a retirement send-off makes you happy!

Retirement is a special occasion where you get to put that person in the spotlight, express your appre­ci­a­tion for all their hard work and, last but definitely not least, present them with a gift as a lasting memento. Everything you need to do when an employee leaves your company is referred to as off­board­ing.

60% of the retirees surveyed by Levi van den Bogaard think that a lot of effort was put into their send-off. And at least 90% of them received a gift when they left.

That gift could be a farewell poem or a beau­ti­ful­ly written text to thank the colleague for all their hard work and achieve­ments. A speech bursting with personal memories that makes everyone smile and maybe even shed a tear. Or perhaps a collage or digital wall full of anecdotes, photos and personal video messages. Today, it’s easy to create a digital collage, which is especially handy with so many of us working from different locations.

Organising a whip-round

When a colleague retires, it’s often the custom for the company to give them a gift. Another survey shows that retirees like to receive an amount of money because they can then choose for themselves how to spend it. A gift that the retiree can enjoy together with their partner is also very popular.

Colleagues also often organise a whip-round to buy them a retirement gift. Does this already have you breaking out in a sweat? Whip-round = set up an envelope, take it around the office, decide on the best gift, buy something out of your own pocket, reimburse yourself from the final collection total… But there’s no need: the Kadonation Group Gift makes this all much simpler, completely secure and totally digital. Perfect for team members working in other locations.

When an employee retires, this is your chance to really make them feel special! And the perfect retirement gift does exist: the Kadonation Gift Card. As an employer, it’s easy to decide the amount you want to give them. You can also organise a digital whip-round with colleagues for a group gift. With the Kadonation Gift Card, your colleague gets to choose a gift from more than 90 retailers. Make this gift even more personal by adding a heartfelt note or even a video message.

*Source: LBD van den Bogaard: The Late Shift: How Retirement Affects Civic Par­tic­i­pa­tion and Well-Being. Supervisor: Prof. CJIM Henkens and Prof. M Kalmijn.

Gift inspi­ra­tion
HR & culture

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