Stories, insights & thoughts

The latest updates by Kadonation.


HR & culture

Onboarding: what is it and how to get started? An overview.

Kadonation helps you optimise your onboarding. Improve your process and with it your employee job sat­is­fac­tion.
By Silke
Sep 05, 2022
HR & culture

First day at work: how to get new employees off to a flying start

Concrete ideas to get your new employees off to a great start. Kadonation helps you improve your onboarding process for their first day of work.
By Silke
Sep 05, 2022
HR & culture

Welcome to the team! Smart onboarding, how does it work?

A solid onboarding process is paramount to your new employee’s success. Some tips and pointers to help you optimize the process.
By Silke
Sep 02, 2022
Gift inspi­ra­tion

The best gift for your employees in 2023

Need an employee gift? View the range of Kadonation options and make your employees really happy!
By Silke
Jul 15, 2022
HR & culture

The wonderful ROI of recognition at work

Organ­i­sa­tions that invest heavily in appre­ci­a­tion have 31% less staff turnover. Discover why it’s so important to invest in your team!
By Silke
Jul 12, 2022
News & updates

Behind the scenes at Kadonation: how did we build our company culture around appreciation?

In this article we give you a look behind the scenes at Kadonation!
By Silke
Jun 08, 2022
Gift inspi­ra­tion

An employee’s special day? Then give them a birthday gift!

Did you know that 4 out of 10 employees would like to receive a birthday gift from their employer? How not to forget anyone in this process, read it here!
By Silke
Apr 05, 2022

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